Sunday, September 30, 2018

Outsourcing for Internet Marketers: The Skill to End All Skills.

As an internet marketer, you will wear many hats. The more skills you can develop, the more well-rounded you will be and the more impressive your campaigns will become.

This is the crux behind our message. While you can become an internet marketer with nothing more than a little writing know-how and basic knowledge of the web, the reality is that it is far better to know all the other skills like design, like web development, like videography etc.

If you can do all of that, then you can build a website that is going to be much more stunning and your entire brand will be cohesive, impressive and effective at communicating a specific message. Not only that, but you’ll be able to outsource many of these skills too!

But what if you don’t have those skills? The answer for many internet marketers is to make do without a logo – or to make one themselves in MSPaint (urgh!). Likewise, it is to not bother with a video presence. And the result of this is that you end up with a weak brand that looks unprofessional.

There is a better way.

How to Outsource.

The answer of course is to outsource. Now, this is going to cost you money but the truth is that it will be a fantastic investment and one of the best you can make.
If you want your business to be taken seriously, then you need a high quality logo. And the best way to get one of those, is to either design it yourself if you have the skill, or to outsource it to someone else.

Likewise, if you want to start adding great content to your site, then you need someone who knows how to write and is free to do it regularly.

Often, outsourcing which actually result in higher quality work that is provided on a more consistent basis. Remember: this is their job so they are usually going to be pretty good at it!

To get started with outsourcing, you can take to a number of sites. One option is to look for professionals on webmaster/marketing forums. These include the likes of Warrior Forum, Digital Point Forum or Black Hat World. Any of these will provide you with a place to advertise and/or find pros.

You can also try freelancing sites, where prices tend to be higher but work is often more consistent. Good examples include UpWork or People Per Hour. Fiverr is also a surprisingly fantastic tool for finding professionals and these days you can get real professionals rather than always paying just five dollars.

You can also find sites for more specific skill sets. 99Designs is a great place to find designers for logos etc. for instance, while Constant Content is brilliant for writers.
The last take-home is this: you do get what you pay for. Pay $1 per 100 words for writing and it will be stolen, it will be pidgin English or it will be rushed and filled with typos. If you want others to value your brand, you need to first value it yourself!

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