Wednesday, October 31, 2018

3 Ways To Set Goals And Reach Them.

In order to become more productive and have better self-esteem about your ability, it is important to set goals and reach them. This includes goals for the day, as well as longer-term goals that span several days, weeks, months, and even for the year. The more goals you can successfully achieve, the greater your self-confidence and self-esteem will be, which will lead to you becoming even more productive. Learn three ways of setting goals and reaching them below.

First, be sure to write your goals down. This includes for the day, for the week, for the month, and even for the year (especially at the beginning of a new year). Many people overlook the power that writing your goals down has. Writing your goals down will enable you to look back at it and determine whether you are staying on track to achieving them or if you are falling behind. If you just have a mental record of your goals, it’s much harder to keep yourself accountable because you may either forget your exact goals or you’ll just push them to the back of your mind if you do fall behind and not achieve them.

Second, be sure to set realistic goals. Setting unrealistic goals with no chance of completing them within the given time frame will only discourage you in your ability to complete quality work within a given time frame, plus lower your self-esteem and self-confidence. You want your focused, determined effort to be rewarded by achieving reachable goals each day, week, month, etc. Putting down unattainable goals does not help you to become more productive and more capable of reaching challenging goals.

Third, be sure to set some goals that are challenging. Only setting goals that are very easy to attain defeats the purpose of setting goals because you’ll keep achieving them and thinking that you are being so productive and effective at achieving your goals that when you come across a challenging task, you won’t have the skill set and focus needed to achieve it, fail to achieve it, and then be down on yourself because of your failure. Life isn’t just made up of easy tasks; some of what life throws at you is hard, and only determined, focused effort will lead to the results that you want to achieve. Some of the goals you need to set have to be challenging enough to where you have to put in determined, focused effort in order to achieve those goals. That’s how you grow as an individual to become more productive and capable of handling challenging tasks and achieving worthwhile goals that can dramatically improve your life.

How to Make Money in a Small Niche With a Simple Business Model.

When it comes to earning money online as a marketer, most people go wrong in exactly the same place. That crucial error? Their ambition.

Unfortunately, too much ambition is very commonly the downfall of many online businesses and marketers which essentially causes them to bite off more than they can chew and then give up too easily.

Instead of aiming to become rich or change the world, it makes much more sense to start off small. Aim to accomplish something small first and then build on each success to eventually reach the top.

So what might this look like?

1. The Small Niche Business Model. is a blog owned by internet marketer Pat Flynn which shares his methods for earning money. One of his most successful recent ventures was a website aimed at food trucks. This is a very small niche that made it easy for him to find routes to market (ways to communicate with the target demographic).

Compare this with creating a website in the ‘fitness’ niche and you can imagine how much easier it is to get noticed and to reach the right audience.

From here, Pat began making money from selling an eBook aimed at those food trucks that would help them make more money and apply smart business skills.

THIS is the exact same business model that first time internet marketers should be using. You might decide to choose a different niche (sticking with a career is often a good choice though) and you may decide you’d rather sell an affiliate item. The general model though is almost flawless for the inexperienced marketer.

2. Why This Works.

So what’s so good about this business model?

For starters, choosing a small niche to operate in means that you’ll be able to much more easily get noticed. If you choose to go the PPC route for instance, you’ll pay far less for advertising in this niche as compared with the amount you’d pay for a bodybuilding or dating related keyword.

At the same time, this helps you to come up with a very clear value proposition and offering. Ideally, your product should set out to solve a very specific problem for a very specific group of people. This will make it much easier to market that product, to promote it and to encourage people to consider buying.

Quick Daily Tips To Reaching Your Goals.

In order to accomplish the tasks and have the success we want to achieve, we need to be able to reach the goals we set consistently and continuously. Failure to do this on a consistent basis will result in us falling short of our goals and not being as productive as we expect and want to be. The tips and information below will help you to reach your goals more consistently no matter what those goals may be.

First, a major key in reaching any goal is focus. If you can remain focused, you can get more done in less time. If you tend to lose focus frequently, figure out why you do so. Are you not getting enough sleep at night? Are you bored by the work that you are doing? Are you worried about some issue, whether at work, home, or both? You need to overcome the issue that is causing you to lose focus, as focus is a major key in reaching the goals you want to reach in the shortest amount of time possible.

Second, be sure you set realistic goals. If you set unrealistic goals and fall short of them, that’s only going to discourage you and hurt your self-esteem, especially if you continuously fall short of those hard-to-reach goals. “Reaching for the moon” is great, but we all have our limitations, and even the best of us can only do so much in so much time. Expect much from yourself, but don’t expect so much that you can’t possibly achieve it even if you put in 110% effort for hours every day. Be realistic in your goals, and the continued success of achieving them will help to push your confidence and self-esteem to new heights and levels of productivity.

Third, at the end of each day, review what goals you accomplished and what goals you missed. Determine why you missed the goals that you did. Was it because of a lack of effort and/or focus on your part? Did something come up that was unexpected when working on a task, thereby altering the realistic timetable for completing the task? By reviewing the goals you achieved and did not achieve each day, you become better at recognizing what goals you achieve easily and what goals you don’t so that you can adjust your actions and focus accordingly for goals you often miss and do a better job of regularly achieving those goals in the future.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

How a Lack of Systems is Hurting Your Business.

One of the most overlooked aspects of running a successful business is the business systems. A business system is nothing more than documented processes and procedures that allow your business to run without you. One of the most successful companies that utilize systems is McDonald's. They have managed to run a successful and profitable business for more than 60 years because of the fantastic business systems that were put in place. Their operations manual covers everything from hiring to product delivery to customer interaction.

1. Why You Need to Implement Systems in Your Business.

Unfortunately, many small business owners are caught in a catch 22. They have no time to work on their business because they are too busy working in their business. They can't take time away from the company because they haven't taken the time to develop documented systems and processes. Along with saving you time, there are many benefits of implementing policies in your online business.

2. Lower Labor Costs.

Putting documented systems in place will help to improve efficiency in your company, resulting in a reduction in your labor costs. When an employee leaves, they may be the only ones kowledgeable of how to perform their required job functions. Without documented systems and processes, you run the risk of losing knowledge and valuable company resources.

3. Improves Consistency.

Having documented systems and processes in place ensures your employees are working with the same information as everyone else. They don't have to rely on their perception of how a process should operate. Systemization also prevents them from working with the instructions that are outdated, which could lead to costly errors.

4. Enables Scalability.

Implementing systems in your business provide you the ability to expand. Systems and documented processes allow you to replicate your business in different geographic areas yourself or through franchising or licensing the rights to your business.

5. Build a Valuable Asset.

The day will come when you'll be ready to sell your business. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to sell it for a nice profit? Without documented processes and systems in place, this can be extremely difficult to accomplish. Putting systems in place will help you build a valuable asset because they allow the company to continue to run without you.

A lack of business systems can not only hurt the daily operations of your business, but it can make it extremely difficult to sell when the time comes. Do yourself a favor and start systemizing your business today so you can reap all the rewards in the future.

Weight Control With Bowling Anyone?

Bowling is a game sport that can free up your emotions. It can also be used to relieve stress and tension. It is perfect to those who are constantly busy with their lives and are frequently bombarded with pressure-filling jobs. But aside from these benefits, are you aware of other things that bowling can do to your body? Of course, weight control with bowling is possible.

After all, with this game sport, you get to move much of your body muscles. It makes you physically active, so you burn calories more as well. So, more than gaining higher physical vigor, you get some of your weight off, consequently giving you a fabulous body you so die for.

If you engage into this beautiful game sport, you can be almost assured to get your physical in top condition always. The good thing about this is it might no longer require you to engage in any other boring weight control programs, of course, depending on how much weight you are going to put away. Now, that’s good news, isn’t it? You need not shell out a hefty amount of your money just so you get enrolled on one of those diet programs, or buy those expensive diet pills or other similar stuffs. Most bowling centers are even affordable, so there’s no excuse that you shouldn’t go.

The health benefits of weight control with bowling summarize into the following.

1. Tone body muscles.

Walking along the bowling lane, stretching your hand to attempt making a spare or strike, and releasing the weighty ball are enough to promote good muscle exercises. This is just like when you exercise by walking, but with bowling there is weight involved; thus, you get more of the exercise. The stretching or flexing of your hand is also a good way for your joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles to get good exercise. In addition, it also promotes good blood circulation. So, overall, bowling is a fun way of exercising and losing weight in the process.

2. Burn fats.

As you continue to move with those walking, flexing, stretching, and swinging, you are already causing some accumulated calories or fats to get burned. So, continuous involvement in this sport can be a routine of weight losing.

3. Socially, you build friendships too with bowling.

You get to bond with your friends, family, or relatives with continuous engagement with bowling trips. You create good social relationships, which are psychologically known to promote better heart performance. A better heart performance is great match with weight losing or controlling.

So, now you know bowling is not just for building your stamina or releasing trapped energy but is also great as aid for losing/reducing weight. And even if you are enrolled with a certain weight control program, it is recommended that you get involved in active game sports, such as bowling activities.

Even if there are claims out there, there is no such thing as quick fix, as far as weight losing is concerned. Meaning, hard work, together with any program or product, is needed for a successful weight lose achievement. As advised by the experts, your weight control program will be more effective if this is done together with a clean and active lifestyle. Bowling produces healthy and safe active fat-burning lifestyle; therefore, weight control with bowling is just perfect!

What is Business Systemization.

In 1986, Michael E. Gerber gained notoriety from his bestselling book, The E-Myth – Why Most Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It. Since then, the Wall Street Journal has named it the number one business book of all time. In the book, Gerber explains that most start-ups are bound to fail because they are started by “technicians,” or the people who know how to do the technical work, rather than by “entrepreneurs,” those who know business itself.

1. How Business Systemization Works.

For a business to thrive, it must move past relying on the "technicians" that own the company. A great example of business systemization at work is franchising. Franchises are essentially prototype businesses that use well-documented systems in their daily operations. Franchises use written manuals to describe in minute detail how the company should be run. Spending the time to create a business that can run by itself is accomplished through business systemization.

2. Successful Businesses that Use Systemization.

One of the most well-known businesses that use systems is McDonald's. Even with 34,000 locations throughout 119 countries, every individual franchise can duplicate the same standards in both products and services offered. To be a successful business owner, you should approach your business the same way. As seen in the franchise model, systemization means that you are replacing yourself with a system that can run your business, so you can focus on building your brand and growing your business.

3. Why Systemization Makes Sense.

With all the technological advances and software choices you have today, it makes sense to start to systemize your online business. Implementing systems in your online business will allow you to create repeatable systems to manage your business operations. This will enable you to streamline and improve your processes, so your business can grow and thrive. From digital calendars to cloud storage to office productivity suites, there is a program available for whatever you need.

Creating a systemized business that is capable of running without you is something most business owners often dream about. You need to commit to building your business into something incredible. While systemizing a business the right way does take time, the hard work you put in will provide you with an end result that is life changing for both you and your business.

How to Systemize Your Online Business in Just 5 Steps.

You started your own business because you wanted the freedom that comes with being your own boss. Unfortunately, reality has set in, and you find that you are now busier than ever and can barely find the time to eat, let alone enjoy running your own company. If you’re bogged down with the daily tasks that aren’t utilizing your strengths, then it’s time for you to introduce systemization into your online business. Here are five easy steps to help you start systemizing today.

1. Identify Repetitive Tasks.

The first step to systemization is to identify all the daily tasks and processes that you have in place. This includes everything from checking your email to setting appointments to creating and sending out your invoices. Open a new spreadsheet with six columns labeled, Inventory, Automated, Manual, Hybrid, Time Saved, Status.

2. Categorize Your Systems.

In the columns on your spreadsheet marked, Manual, Automated, and Hybrid, check the category that explains the kind of system you will use to complete those tasks. Any tasks that can be achieved automatically through technology will be marked in the Automated column. The Manual column will encompass everything that can’t be automated. Those tasks that can have a combination of both will be checked in the Hybrid column.

3. Establish a Priority.

You want first to complete those tasks that are more likely to have the most significant impact on your company's growth. Determine an approximate dollar amount that you believe the system will contribute to your business and add it to your spreadsheet. You can also establish priority by determining which repetitive tasks are taking up the most time.

4. Create a Process.

This is the most critical step in systemizing your business. You need to create a detailed process for each task. This means listing out every step needed to accomplish the job from the first step until the last. This step needs to be as detailed as possible, so you can provide the information to anyone in the company and have them execute the process without any problems.

5. Track and Optimize.

To know how well your systems are working you need to have a way to track the results. If you identify any problems in the process, you can begin to tweak and optimize them so that you can gain greater efficiency, sales, and profits.

Systemizing your business will take a lot of hard work and effort up front but will be well worth it in the end when you have more time to enjoy not only your business but your personal life as well.

How to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It.

Have you ever wondered why it is that we enjoy games so much? And have you ever wondered why it is that you dislike your job so much? What is the difference between pressing buttons on an Xbox and pressing buttons on keyboards?

The answer may surprise you: it actually comes down to your effort and how much you care.
You care about games and you make the effort because you want to get better at them and because there’s constant variety and plot progression to keep things interesting. This makes you try harder in order to progress and that in turn gives you the feeling of reward that makes the gameplay satisfying.

From a neurochemical perspective, this essentially boils down to the release of dopamine. Each time you attempt a level or challenge, you first visualize it happening in your mind’s eye. When you then attempt it for real and this then goes to plan just as you visualized it, this will in turn result in you getting a release of the reward hormone dopamine. This is actually highly addictive and that can be enough to make you want to try again – which is why it’s so hard to put down that game of Angry Birds! That release of dopamine and serotonin will also help to reinforce the neural connections required to perform the task again. This strengthens your likelihood of doing the same thing again in future with perfect technique and generally improves your technique and ability.

When we don’t care about the outcome though, we don’t have this trial/reward loop and as a result, it can end up feeling like a dull slog. To change this then, all you need to do is to start taking things more seriously and actually focus on what you’re doing.

The Most Basic.

Let’s say that you have to write something by hand. This is a mundane task and something most of us won’t pay much attention to.

So instead of simply doing it absent-mindedly then, you should instead try to really focus on doing it as perfectly as possible. Try to let the pen flow perfectly as you write and to write with the most perfect handwriting you can muster. Visualize it happening as you do.

Simply paying attention to your writing in this way and making it perfect will then be enough to ensure that you are more engaged and that you get the release of dopamine when it goes well. You’ve turned the mundane into a game. Why? Because the brain loves learning and improving.

Can Nootropics Make You Smarter?

When it comes to changing your mindset in order to change your life, you probably think of things like ‘the gratitude attitude’ or maybe meditation. You’re probably aware of mindfulness and of CBT.

But what if you could simply flick a switch and completely change the way that your brain works? What if you could become smarter and cleverer overnight? Wouldn’t that be the ideal?

This is what we see in the film Limitless. The main character Eddie Mora takes a single tablet and suddenly gains access to latent power of his brain. He becomes smarter, wittier, more charming, more creative – and in no time at all he has written a best selling novel, made a huge amount of money on the stock market and run for political office.

This is what science would call a ‘nootropic’ and the shocking part is that they’re real.

What Are Nootropics and Do They Work?

Of course, the reality is nothing like the movies. There is no pill that can make you smarter. But what some nootropics claim to be able to do, is to make you a little more alert, to boost your memory and perhaps to help your motivation.

These work in a variety of ways and they take many forms. For instance, one of the most popular types is something called modafinil. Modafinil is a drug used to treat narcolepsy but it has also been used by fighter pilots and top CEOs in order to help them need less sleep and work longer and harder. This works by affecting a neurochemical called orexin, which regulates our sleep wake cycle.

Others might work by stimulating our fight or flight response through dopamine or adrenaline. Others meanwhile appear to enhance brain plasticity to increase learning. Some simply give the brain a bit of an energy boost to help you feel less tired.

So, do they work? The answer is simple: it depends! Some nootropics work well and really can give you a boost in focus. Others don’t really have much effect, while others still might actually be bad for you and cause headaches or even addiction!

The key is to finding the best ones by reading around and doing the research. But suffice to say that normally the best ones are the natural ones and the ones with the more mild impact on the way you feel. Stick to these and you’ll reduce negative side effects – but just know that nothing can turn you into a genius overnight.

How to Become a Alpha and Authoritative.

There are many examples of successful people that we want to emulate and many ways in which a person can make themselves appear more successful and up-together.

For guys though, one of the best things you can become is an ‘alpha male’. The alpha male is someone who is confident, who is powerful and who commands respect among their peers. This is someone who is accomplished and who others look up to. On top of all that, he is someone who has unstoppable confidence and who gives off a sense of machismo.

So how do you become one?

What it Takes to be Alpha.

The key to becoming alpha lies in understanding the effect that evolution has had on our psychology. Evolution tells us that all of our modern traits originally got to be the way they are by evolving. That is to say that we are the way we are because nature selected for those traits. These were the traits that helped our ancestors to survive and thrive and thus they were passed on to us.

This doesn’t just apply to physical traits though but also to psychological traits and the way we socialize.

So, a woman will look for a man who is able to protect her and her offspring and to provide good genetic material. Men will look up to an individual who is a confident leader and able to help them find food, shelter and mates.

This is the alpha male.

While our environment is very different today, this is still what it means to be alpha. It is still your job to give off an impression of being cool and in-command if you want to be considered alpha by others.

So how do you do this?

The Key: Stop Trying to Impress Others.

The most important key to becoming alpha is to stop trying to impress others. This is something that many of us don’t quite understand and this is why we often end up coming across as needy and clingy. Someone who desperately wants to be liked and wants to be ‘cool’ in their group might try to impress others by telling them how great they are.

Someone who wants to be liked by women might try to impress them by doting on them and flattering them.

Both these actions send the same signal: you want those people to like you, thus you consider them to be higher on the food chain.

As soon as you can drop this need and start acting as someone who is happy in themselves no matter what other people think… that’s when you become alpha. In order to lead, you must first stop following.

Can No Fap Really Make You More Successful?

If you’re really keen to unlock your full potential and to become the best version of yourself, then you need to consider every option. It is certainly not enough that you only consider the appealing ones or the fun ones!

And with that in mind, you likely can’t have missed the whole ‘no fap’ movement. This movement began life on Reddit but has since spread around the web. No fap of course means no motivation and according to proponents, this is an effective way to make yourself more energetic, more driven and more successful.

But can it really make that difference?

1. The Benefits of No Fap.

The benefits of no fap largely come from the neurochemical impact of masturbation. The problem is that watching porn triggers a huge dopamine release. Dopamine is a neurochemical that is associated with goal-oriented behaviour and when this is released, it reinforces our behaviour.

We need dopamine in order to feel motivated, driven and positive and when we don’t get enough, we can experience depression and indifference.

The problem is that porn makes it too easy for us to get a massive release of dopamine. This makes it highly addictive and it means that we can eventually end up damaging our dopaminergic systems to the point that we can no longer get that sense of drive and determination that we need.

This is one reason that ceasing porn use might help to make people more driven and determined again.

What’s more is that porn takes time. This is a huge waste of life and even if you only look at it for 10 minutes a day, that’s still 70 minutes a week – well over an hour.

2. Determination.

And let’s be honest: being the most effective and powerful version of yourself does not usually correlate with spending hours of your life watching women in videos!

In order to break this habit, you need to exert incredible will and incredible determination.

This is not easy but if you can accomplish it, then it will greatly enhance your ability to succeed in other areas too. If you are able to break this life-long habit, then you should have no problem going to the gym, ironing your clothes or dedicating half an hour a night to writing your book.

Whatever the case: motivation can be trained just like anything else. This is the ultimate way to train it!

Quick Daily Tips To Reaching Your Goals.

In order to accomplish the tasks and have the success we want to achieve, we need to be able to reach the goals we set consistently and continuously. Failure to do this on a consistent basis will result in us falling short of our goals and not being as productive as we expect and want to be. The tips and information below will help you to reach your goals more consistently no matter what those goals may be.

First, a major key in reaching any goal is focus. If you can remain focused, you can get more done in less time. If you tend to lose focus frequently, figure out why you do so. Are you not getting enough sleep at night? Are you bored by the work that you are doing? Are you worried about some issue, whether at work, home, or both? You need to overcome the issue that is causing you to lose focus, as focus is a major key in reaching the goals you want to reach in the shortest amount of time possible.

Second, be sure you set realistic goals. If you set unrealistic goals and fall short of them, that’s only going to discourage you and hurt your self-esteem, especially if you continuously fall short of those hard-to-reach goals. “Reaching for the moon” is great, but we all have our limitations, and even the best of us can only do so much in so much time. Expect much from yourself, but don’t expect so much that you can’t possibly achieve it even if you put in 110% effort for hours every day. Be realistic in your goals, and the continued success of achieving them will help to push your confidence and self-esteem to new heights and levels of productivity.

Third, at the end of each day, review what goals you accomplished and what goals you missed. Determine why you missed the goals that you did. Was it because of a lack of effort and/or focus on your part? Did something come up that was unexpected when working on a task, thereby altering the realistic timetable for completing the task? By reviewing the goals you achieved and did not achieve each day, you become better at recognizing what goals you achieve easily and what goals you don’t so that you can adjust your actions and focus accordingly for goals you often miss and do a better job of regularly achieving those goals in the future.

Potential Roadblocks To Reaching Your Goals.

Virtually everyone who has goals also has challenges that prevent them from reaching their goals. Unfortunately, achieving goals often comes through struggle and hardship; that’s why achieving them can often make us feel good and give us a sense of accomplishment. The key to successfully achieving goals consistently is learning to work through the potential roadblocks that stand in the way of us achieving our goals.

Roadblocks to reaching our goals can be caused by internal or external factors. Roadblocks caused by internal factors can include such things as doubting our ability to achieve the goals we set, procrastination of tasks we should do to achieve our goals, and a lack of focus in doing the tasks needed to achieve our goals.

When it comes to internal roadblocks, we need to work past them by identifying what the roadblock is and why we are setting up that internal roadblock. If we have doubts over our ability to achieve our goals, we have to work past our fear and doubt in order to overcome it and achieve our goals. If we are putting off tasks we should be doing in order to achieve our goals, we have to determine why we procrastinate and deny ourselves the achievement of our goals. If we keep losing focus while doing the tasks necessary to achieve our goals, we have to determine why we keep losing focus so we can keep the needed focus necessary to achieve our goals.

When it comes to external roadblocks, there are many obstacles that can qualify. It can be something we lack to achieve that goal, such as a lack of knowledge or lack of a tool we need to achieve the goal. It can be something unexpected that we didn’t anticipate happening or occurring while we attempt to achieve the goal, such as a change in plans or a change in circumstances that makes it more difficult to achieve the goal.

When it comes to external roadblocks, we have to find a way to overcome the problem. If we lack a specific knowledge or tool to achieve the goal, then we need to gain that knowledge or tool. Whether we invest in ourselves to get that knowledge directly or hire someone with knowledge to do the task necessary to achieve the goal, it must be done to achieve that goal. Whether we invest in the tool or hire someone with the tool, we must do it to achieve the goal. If we encounter a change in circumstances or some unexpected occurrence while working toward a goal, we must analyze the new situation and develop a plan of action so that we overcome the new situation and achieve the goal.

How Being Passionate Makes Your Charismatic.

Charisma is possible the truest and most impressive aspect of confidence. If you’ve ever met someone who has true, natural charisma, then you’ll know what this is like. They talk in a way that makes everyone want to listen. They are engaging, attractive, magnetic and just generally enthralling in a way that many of us only dream we could be!

If you can’t think of anyone in your own life, then watch Will Smith being interviewed, or Obama, or Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.

These people are highly charismatic and it is immediately apparent. But how can we emulate that? How can we capture that lightning in a bottle and use it for ourselves?

The Key to Charisma.

As luck would have it, there is actually a relatively simple and proven formula to charisma that you can simply emulate.

And it comes down to gesticulations. You see, all the people who are rated as highly charismatic have been found to gesticulate more than average while they talk. This means they will use their hands to convey a lot of what they’re saying and they also tend to move around more as they speak.

This makes them seem charismatic because it creates a situation where their bodylanguage is reflecting what they’re saying and creating a single, congruent message. Compare this to someone who speaks enthusiastically but all while crossing their arms and looking very stressed!

If you want to convey that same charisma then, you need to move around and gesticulate as you talk.

But guess what? You can’t just fake this. If you do, you’ll become self-conscious of your hands and your gestures and that’s a situation that’s now even worse than where we started!

Instead, you need to let it happen naturally and the way you do that is by being highly engaged in what you’re saying. And the way you do that is by being passionate about what you’re talking about.

When you are truly passionate, you can’t help but gesticulate because you’re so excited for what you’re saying.

It comes out of you in every way possible and all self-doubt and all concern fades away – because what you’re saying seems so important that you’ll be 100% focussed on it.

This is why finding something that you’re truly passionate about it highly important.

Effective Goal Setting Through Time Management.

When we want to achieve several goals, especially those that lead to a larger, long-term goal, we have to be efficient and effective in order to achieve all of those goals that lead to the larger, long-term goal. This means we need good time management skills in order to achieve all of the smaller, short-term goals we want to achieve, which will lead to us achieving the larger, long-term goal as well. Learn how you can be more productive and successful at achieving all of your goals via effective goal setting through time management below.

Setting up the goals you want to achieve each day takes planning, focus, and execution in order to successfully achieve them. When you have multiple goals per day you want to achieve, you have to be focused on doing all of the tasks necessary in order to successfully accomplish them by the end of the day. Failure in planning out your day and being focused in completing your tasks in a timely fashion will lead to you falling short in meeting the goals you want to achieve on that day.

This procedure of planning out your day and being focused on each task necessary to complete your daily goals also works when it comes to long-term goals, such as those you want to achieve each week, month, or even year. You need to plan out exactly what goals you want to achieve over those specific time periods, then determine what tasks you need to complete in order to reach those goals, then have the continued focus to complete those tasks in a timely fashion so you can achieve all of those goals. Failure to plan out those time periods in the proper way to include all of those necessary tasks to achieve all of those goals and being focused throughout to complete those tasks will result in you falling short of your goals over those longer time periods as well.

Therefore, you need to determine what goals you want to achieve over a specific time period and the tasks you need to complete to reach those goals within that time period, then take focused, determined action in order to complete those tasks and reach those goals within those time periods. Failure to properly plan for the required tasks needed to reach those goals within the specified time periods will lead to you falling short of your goals because you won’t have the proper focus necessary to complete those tasks and achieve those goals in that specific time period.

Your Shortcut To Turning Goals Into Reality.

Everyone has accomplishments that he/she wants to achieve; in other words, people have goals that they want to reach. What many of us struggle with is that we often don’t achieve the accomplishments we want to achieve and fall short in the goals that we want to reach. When we don’t achieve goals we want to reach, we feel disappointed and even dejected over falling short. What we need to do is to consistently turn those goals into reality in order to boost our self-esteem and our self-confidence in achieving the goals we set for ourselves. Learn how to turn more of your goals into reality below.

When you are attempting to turn more of your goals into reality, you need to think and start small. In other words, don’t set these lofty goals that you have no way of reaching. If you are obese and want to lose 100 pounds, you’re NOT going to achieve that in one week or even one month, even if you exercise several hours a day and cut your food intake to one to two meals per day. Yet, if you set your goal to losing all of that weight within one week or even one month, you’re going to fall short and be down on yourself because you fell short.

Instead, set more manageable and attainable goals so that you can turn more of them into reality. If you’re obese and want to lose 100 pounds, start off by aiming to lose 5 pounds by the end of the month. Most dietitians and physicians recommend losing about 1 pound per week; therefore, you would be attempting to lose just over 1 pound per week. If you set a more realistic goal of losing 5 pounds per month, you are likelier to achieve it through good weight management (i.e. less food, more exercise, etc.). This will boost your self-esteem and self-confidence in your ability to lose your overall goal of 100 pounds. Plus, you could lose even more than five pounds per month, which can boost your self-esteem and self-confidence even more so that you achieve your long-term goal of 100 pounds quickly than you expect (i.e. in 20 months, as 5 pounds times 20 months equals 100 pounds).

Therefore, the shortcut of turning your goals into reality is setting more manageable, attainable goals and achieving them. This will boost your self-esteem and self-confidence to where you can more easily achieve your long-term, overall goals, while achieving short-term goal after short-term goal immediately.

The Top 5 Tools to Help You Systemize Your Online Business.

When you first started your business, you probably never imagined that it would quickly take up all your free time to keep things running. From answering an endless number of emails to ensuring your invoices are created and sent to your clients, the daily tasks that you're required to do can become overwhelming. Systemizing your online business can help to free up some of your time, so you can focus on the tasks that will help you grow your business. Here are the top five tools that can help you systemize so you can expand your online business.

1. Asana.

If you are required to collaborate with a team, Asana, ( can help. Asana was designed to help keep you on task by splitting up your “to-do” lists into actionable tasks based on the specific project, due date, and team member allocated. It also works with Google Drive and Dropbox so you can easily share files with your team.

2. Ontraport.

Ontraport, ( brings all your data, customer information, and business tools into a single hub. It allows you to market your business via email, postcards, SMS, and more while providing you the capability to sell your products, services, and programs seamlessly. It also has a feature that lets you process payments through PayPal or your regular merchant provider.

3. Basecamp.

If your company lacks organization, Basecamp, ( helps bring everything your company's working on into one place. Basecamp helps you get organized, centralized, and clear so that everyone on your team knows where things stand and can get what they need without asking.

4. Google Docs.

Google Docs, ( can be used with your team to make your content accessible and easy to find for everyone. The program allows multiple team members to work on material in real time, immediately syncing decreasing the chances of someone over-riding something. It also works well with Asana.

5. Calendly.

Calendly, ( will change the way you schedule. The app allows you to create simple rules based on your availability preferences that can be shared through links. It works with Office 365, Outlook, Google, and iCloud so that you never become overbooked. It works great for individuals, departments, and teams and provides you the flexibility to create one-on-one, round robin, and joint availability meetings.

These tools will help to free up your time so that you can better manage your energy and focus on the critical activities that will allow you to grow your business. These tools will enable you to streamline your processes, delegate tasks to your team, and get focused on what's important.

Leadership - How to Give Correct Instructions.

The way you give instructions is going to be one of the most important defining features of you as a leader. Because ultimately, this is what will make up the majority of your job! As a leader, you are going to be spending most of your day-to-day asking people to do things and then checking they are done correctly.

But in order to do this well, you need to know how to give instructions and how to ensure the best outcome. Here’s what you need to do.

Be Clear and Precise.

The first and most important thing you need to do, is to be clear and precise. The reason for this is that you need to be able to prevent mistakes and misunderstandings. If you give unclear instructions, then that will lead to your team either needing to ask for more information and clarification from you or to them making mistakes that lead to big problems and possibly lose you money.

This means that the good leader is also a good communicator by default. If you’re not a good communicator… train yourself to be!

Explain the Why.

What’s even more important though, is that you explain the why in what you are asking people to do. In fact, better yet is to ask people to achieve a certain result, tell them why and give no instruction on how.

This first of all makes you a more hands-off leader and less of a micromanager. People like this because it gives more work satisfaction and makes them feel trusted.

Moreover though, explaining the what and why more than the how is going to allow your team to be flexible where necessary.

Let’s say for example that you tell your staff they need to print 500 fliers and deliver them around the neighbourhood. What happens if then the printers break? Or if the roads are snowed off? Now your team will either be stuck, or they’ll come to you to ask for direction.
Instead, tell your team they need to get 500 adverts out in the local area. This now opens up many contingency plans and other options. They could maybe outsource the flier creation to a printing company for instance, or they might use email instead or advertise in the town hall.

Either way, they have now achieved the same thing quicker and with more satisfaction because they haven’t had to ask your permission for every slight deviation in the plan!

Achieve Success in Your Life by Changing Your Mindset.

When you have a fixed mindset, you inevitable stop yourself from getting what you want in life. Many of us listen to that voice in our heads that tell us that we can’t do something, or that we don’t have the skills to achieve something. This kind of thinking, keeps us stuck, and is known as a fixed mindset. If you want to achieve success, you have to change your thinking and learn how to develop a growth mindset. Here are some simple ways you can change your mindset to increase your chances of finding success.

1. Turn Failures into Successes.

Individuals that have fixed mindsets, quickly give up after experiencing failure for the first time. Those who have found success, and have learned to develop a growth mindset, tend to look at their failures as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and try again. Start changing your mindset today by learning to turn your failures into successes.

2. Change Your Limiting Beliefs.

Many of us hold limiting beliefs that are holding us back from success. If you took a long look at your values and belief systems and compared them to what in them was keeping you back, you'd be able to start making adjustments. If you can change your beliefs to support your goals, you'll open yourself up to great things, and start achieving your goals and getting what you want.

3. Create Small and Manageable Goals.

Take a look at the goals that you’ve set for yourself and decide how you can best break them down into smaller, more manageable goals. Every day take actionable steps to complete these smaller goals and start to chip away at them. Before you know it, you've made substantial progress toward achieving your larger goals. There is a power to dividing things down into more manageable chunks and working toward them little by little.

4. Find a Mentor.

To determine how to get what you want, find a mentor who has already succeeded. Find a mentor who will be honest with you about your strengths and weaknesses, and who will be willing to let you shadow them. Working with a mentor will allow you to learn essential skills through observation.

You can get the things you want in life. You just have to utilize the right tools to achieve your goals. By implementing any of these techniques in your life, you are changing your mindset toward getting what you want.

Why You Need to Train Your Working Memory to Become the Best Version of You.

Have you ever seen the film Limitless? In it, the main character ‘Eddie Mora’ takes a pill that boosts his brain power on every possible dimension. He becomes more driven, more creative and far wittier and smarter.

The result is that he makes powerful friends, finishes writing a book, gets rich from day trading and then goes on to become a powerful politician.

Does such a thing really exist? While there are certainly ‘nootropics’ (brain pills) out there, the answer is unfortunately a resounding no. But that’s not to say there aren’t other ways to get a similar boost.

And the best way? Train your working memory with dual n-back training!

What is Working Memory?

There are plenty of dual n-back games out there that you can play online or on your smartphone and all of them should have the same benefits for your working memory. I’m not going to talk in depth about what it is here then. All that really matters is your working memory and why this is so important for your success.

The best way to think about working memory then is as RAM. This is the memory that you use in the short term in order to store information that you are currently working with. While your long-term memory stores autobiographical memory, your working memory is instead used for remembering phone numbers while you go to grab a pen or carrying numbers over in your mind as you are doing long multiplication.

Why Working Memory is Crucial.

But working memory goes much further than this. You see, working memory is really just your ‘mental bandwidth’. Any information that needs to be stored so you can work with it will be kept in working memory and that means.

The subject of a conversation you are engaging in.
A map of your physical surroundings.
Your priorities at any given time.

If you can maintain and build your working memory then you will become wittier because you’ll have more information available to work with when responding to someone. You will become better at sports and navigation because your cognitive map will be more up-to-date and easily accessible. You will be better at math and you will be more motivated.

So work on your working memory one way or another and prepare to become Limitless!

8 Simple Steps To Long Lasting Happiness And Fulfillment.

We all want to live happy lives, don’t we? But the sad truth is that many people don’t get to live happy lives – they just waste away in their negativity. If you want to achieve long-lasting happiness and fulfillment, here’s how.

1. Know what you really want.

You have to know what will make you happy, otherwise, no matter how hard you work, you’re never going to be satisfied. Having goals and dreams is important, but determining if it’s really going to make you happy is a more important question.

2. Live life to the fullest.

You only get to live once, so live your life to the fullest. Have a bucket list of things you would like to do before you leave this world behind. Every time you tick off an item on your list, you’ll feel very happy!

3. Learn from your mistakes.

Being afraid of failure is hard enough, but not learning from your mistakes is another matter altogether. If you never learn from your mistakes, then you wouldn’t be able to get to where you want to be!

4. Do what you love to do.

If you’re stuck in a job you hate, then seek out the right job for you. If you don’t, then you’ll be trapped, and you’ll end up bottling all your resentment inside which will ultimately lead to negative thoughts.

5. Be grateful for what you have.

You’ll always have something to be thankful for. Sometimes in our quest for happiness, we forget the people who've been behind us all along. Count your blessings and be grateful always.

6. Go outside your comfort zone.

If you’re too afraid to leave your comfort zone, then you’ll find it hard to chase your dreams! Don’t be afraid to push your boundaries to find what truly makes you happy.

7. Have positive-minded friends.

If you’re surrounded by positive people, then you’ll find yourself thinking positively all the time, too. You’ll feel happier and more fulfilled because you won’t be thinking bitter, negative thoughts.

8. Connect with yourself.

How well do you really know yourself? If you don’t know who you are, then you’ll find it hard to define what really makes you happy, and what doesn’t. Knowing who you are is an important part of discovering the path to long-lasting happiness and fulfillment!

Wondering How Long To Exercise For Weight Loss Benefits.

Obesity is one of the biggest problems facing the western world today, and more than three quarters of all Americans have attempted to lose weight at some point in their lives; most have struggled, either in losing weight, or in keeping that weight off once diet or exercise regimes have passed.

Exercise is widely acknowledged as one of the best ways to keep away excess pounds, but while many people long to exercise for weight loss, they often feel confused about how often to exercise, how often, and what kind of exercise is best. The biggest confusions lie around the question of how much time should a person exercise for each day, in order to maximise weight loss.

Popular wisdom states that it is necessary to exercise for around an hour every day in order to burn enough calories to effect weight loss. This has lead to beliefs that a person doing walking exercise needs to cover 5 miles a day in order to lose weight, but this is of course not constant; in addition, people ‘lose’ energy throughout the day after exercise, due to an increase in their metabolism. Often, people struggle with higher-activity exercise, as it causes stress and wear upon the body, and therefore they prefer shorter bursts of high activity, or one long session of moderate activity.

A study has also shown that there is little-to-no difference between many short bursts of exercise, and one long session, when measuring weight loss, continuance of the exercise, and improvements in fitness. Multiple short sessions are obviously more conveniently fitted into daily life, and short exercise with equipment actually resulted in people exercising more often; it is shown that longer periods of exercise for weight loss, if only done infrequently, has no greater effect at all. Therefore, how long to exercise for weight loss becomes a question of what kind of activity is being performed, and how often this weight-loss exercise should be performed.

Yale university conducted a similar study in which they showed that women exercising for 20 minutes (doing 8 seconds of running with 12 seconds of moderate exercise for the 20 mins) lost more fat than women doing 40 minutes of constant moderate exercise. Intervals became very popular for a while; and it remains one of the best ways of exercising for short periods while obtaining the results of a long period of exercise.

What these studies have shown is that it is not just a matter of how long to exercise for weight loss, but the frequency of exercise, and the rate at which the exercise is performed. A high-rate activity will burn up calories more quickly than a moderate activity, and so less time needs to be spent on harder exercise to lose the same amount of weight as something more moderate. Running burns up about two times as many calories as walking; so running for 20 mins will help weight loss more quickly than walking for 20 minutes. Anyone considering how long to exercise for weight loss should bear this in mind.

Weight Loss For Teenage Girls What Is The Best Solution.

Weight loss for teenage girls is a hot topic these days as so many teenagers are trying to look like their celebrity idols. What they fail to realize is that most pictures of celebrities have been airbrushed to make the woman look thinner and more beautiful. Add to that the bevy of hairstylists and other professionals on hand prior to the photo shoot and it is easy to see why girls are so misled. It is a pity that they couldn’t see their favorite celebrity in all her morning glory i.e. without makeup or hairstylists as then they would get a truer picture.

So what type of weight loss for teenage girls is healthy? Some teenage girls need to lose weight and get more exercise. In fact about a fifth of the teenage population is severely overweight and that carries long term health risks. They are more likely to suffer cardiac problems, diabetes and a whole host of other illnesses.

Other teenagers are underweight with anorexia and bulimia being an issue amongst girls and boys. Regardless of your child’s weight issues, never let their weight become a focus point. Life is too short to obsess over weight gain or loss unless it is causing a potentially serious health problem. Then you need advice from a suitably qualified doctor, not your friends and neighbors; regardless of how well meaning they may be.

All teenagers would benefit from a healthy lifestyle program. They need to eat better and exercise more. Don’t forget that kids learn from their parents so if you are not fit, active and eating healthily then you can’t expect your kids to be. The whole family should change their diet at the same time as this is less likely to cause teenagers to become obsessive over their weight.

Educate your kids about the different food groups. Explain the different roles that carbohydrates, protein and fats make up in their body. Don’t prohibit any particular food as that will immediately make it more attractive. But that doesn’t mean that they can have candy and cakes every day. Suggest that these remain a treat for special occasions.

Take your teenager shopping with you and allow them to pick out their meals based on some light ground rules such as lean meat and must include at least two fruit or vegetables. Teach them how to cook their own food so that they do not rely on pre-packaged or worse fast food pick ups.

Get your teenagers involved in sports. Hopefully they will have played some form since childhood but if they haven’t yet found something they enjoy, encourage them to sign up for some classes. You may have to "bribe" them with the lure of a new outfit or night out at bowling or the movies (skipping the soda pop and candy obviously!).

Exercise is great for all of us and helps with weight loss for teenage girls. It also helps them to deal with their hormones and other aspects of growing up.

Resisting Temptations Make You Stronger.

There’s no getting around temptations. Whichever way you look, you’ll see temptations all around you. And they become even more noticeable when you’ve set out to accomplish something, such as a long-term goal.

When you initially start working towards your new goals, you’ll be so motivated and you’ll have so much adrenaline pumping through your veins that you seem immune to temptations. Nothing can take your attention away from what you’re trying to build.

1. In the face of temptation.

As time goes by, however, your excitement will start waning off, you won’t be as motivated as before and you’ll start noticing more and more temptations coming your way.

Without self-discipline, you’ll immediately fall victim to these temptations. You’ll find it so hard to say “no” and so much easier to just say “yes”.

If you’ve got an important presentation to give in less than 12 hours, and your friends are literally dragging you out the front door to go watch your favorite band at the arena, and you can’t say “no”, then you’ve got a problem.

Or if you’d rather finish watching your favorite TV series instead of working on your presentation when you know for a fact which activity is more important, then you need serious help.

The more you give in to procrastination and these distractions, the more you veer off the track you’ve set for yourself.

2. Turning your back on temptations.

It’s a different story if you have a healthy stash of self-control hidden somewhere on your being. You’ll recognize temptation for what it is and you’ll do your best to fight it for as long as you can.

You’ll say “no” because you know how to and because you know that if you give in, you’re just putting a roadblock to your success.

Your friends will understand your reasons for rejecting them because they recognize the boundaries you have in place. They might even respect you because who can refuse to watch their favorite band in action, right?

Your determination, your self-control and your self-discipline will be transparent and they’ll believe you mean it when you tell them no.

Resisting temptations make you stronger because the more you say no, the more your resolve to continue your journey strengthens. And with it, you also develop your self-esteem and your self-discipline, too.

Weight Loss Pounds For The Obese.

If you are trying for weight loss pounds, you should read this article. Some people need to lose a few pounds. But more and more Americans are in the categories known as obese and morbidly obese. These people need to lose more than a few lbs. They need weight loss pounds.

Some people have been able to have a significant weight loss pounds through diet and exercise. This is made popular by television shows such as The Biggest Loser.

These kinds of people are able to change their attitude and lifestyle for life. They realize that they’re not on a temporary diet. To weight loss pounds, they must change how they view their body and the food they eat.

This means they change the types and quantity of food they buy. They change the types of meals they eat. They change the size of the meals they eat. They change the frequency of the meals they eat.

And, they begin to exercise. Because they may be unable to do vigorous activity, they may have to start slowly. But, morbidly obese people should choose to exercise at least 30 minutes a day in whatever form is possible. As they develop strength and endurance, they should kick this up to 60 to 90 minutes.

But some people feel they can not change their habits on their own. The weight loss pounds is not realistic with just diet and exercise. That is why Bariatric Surgery has become so popular in the last few years.

With this procedure, also know as Gastric Bypass, the stomach is made significantly smaller and the food bypasses part of the small intestine. People who have undergone this surgery find that they feel full with very small portions of food.

In a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (the most common kind), the stomach is made smaller by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach using surgical staples or a plastic band. The smaller stomach is connected directly to the middle portion of the small intestine bypassing the rest of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine.

Gastric bypass surgeries may cause what is known as the “dumping syndrome.” This happens when food moves too rapidly through the stomach and intestines. Symptoms include nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, and sometimes diarrhea shortly after eating. These symptoms are much more severe when the person has eaten highly refined, high-calorie foods, especially sweets.

There are a number of weight loss pounds conditions that have to be met before a doctor can perform Gastric bypass. For instance, the person has to have been obese for at least 5 years. He or she cannot have an ongoing problem with alcohol or have untreated depression. Most candidates are between 18 and 65 years old.

Most people who have gastric bypass surgery quickly begin to lose weight. They tend to continue to lose weight for up to 12 months. One study showed that most patients will lose about one-third of their original body weight in 1 to 4 years. However, if the recommended diet is not followed properly, the patient can begin to stretch their stomach and weight may be regained.

Strict lifestyle changes and gastric bypass surgery are two options for quick weight loss pounds.

Weight Loss Exercise.

A lot of us live our lives like penned animals. Built to move, too often we put ourselves in a cage. We have bodies designed for racing across the savannas, but we live a lifestyle designed for migrating from the bed to the breakfast table; to the car seat; to the office chair; to the restaurant booth; to the living room couch and back to the bed.

It was not always this way. Not long ago in the United States, a man who worked on a farm did the equivalent of 15 miles of jogging every day; and his wife did the equivalent of 7 miles of jogging.

Today, our daily obligations of work and home keep us tied to our chairs, and if we want exercise, we have to seek it out.

In fact, health experts insist that obesity problem is probably caused at least as much by lack of physical activity as by eating too much. Hence, it is important that people need to move around.

However, that does not mean that a lap or two around the old high school track will offset a daily dose of donuts. Exercise alone is not very efficient, experts say. They contend that if you just exercise and do not change your diet, you may be able to prevent weight gain or even lose a few pounds for a while.

Nevertheless, it is not something that you are likely to sustain unless exercise is part of an overall program. The more regularly you exercise, the easier it is to maintain your weight. Here is what to do every day to make sure that you get the exercise you need.

1. Get quality Zzzs.

Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Good sleep habits are conducive to exercise, experts point out. If you feel worn out during the day, you are less likely to get much physical activity during the day.

In addition, there is evidence that people who are tired tend to eat more, using food as a substance for the rest they need.

2. Walk the walk.

It is probably the easiest exercise program of all. In fact, it may be all you ever have to do, according to some professional advices of some health experts.

Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week. Brisk walks themselves have health and psychological benefits that are well worth the while.

3. Walk the treadmill.

When the weather is bad, you might not feel like going outdoors. But if you have a treadmill in the television room, you can catch up on your favorite shows while you are doing your daily good turn for your weight-maintenance plan.

Most of us watch television anyway, and indoor exercise equipment enables anyone to turn a sedentary activity into a healthy walk.

4. Seize the time.

Excuses aside, lack of time is certainly a limiting factor in most lifestyles. That is why health experts suggest a basic guideline for incorporating exercise into your schedule.

Get as much exercise as you can that feels good without letting it interfere with your work or family life. If you need to, remind yourself that you are preventing many health problems when you prevent weight gain; and keeping your health is a gift to your family as well as yourself.

Why You Need to Train Your Working Memory to Become the Best Version of You.

Have you ever seen the film Limitless? In it, the main character ‘Eddie Mora’ takes a pill that boosts his brain power on every possible dimension. He becomes more driven, more creative and far wittier and smarter.

The result is that he makes powerful friends, finishes writing a book, gets rich from day trading and then goes on to become a powerful politician.

Does such a thing really exist? While there are certainly ‘nootropics’ (brain pills) out there, the answer is unfortunately a resounding no. But that’s not to say there aren’t other ways to get a similar boost.

And the best way? Train your working memory with dual n-back training!

What is Working Memory?

There are plenty of dual n-back games out there that you can play online or on your smartphone and all of them should have the same benefits for your working memory. I’m not going to talk in depth about what it is here then. All that really matters is your working memory and why this is so important for your success.

The best way to think about working memory then is as RAM. This is the memory that you use in the short term in order to store information that you are currently working with. While your long-term memory stores autobiographical memory, your working memory is instead used for remembering phone numbers while you go to grab a pen or carrying numbers over in your mind as you are doing long multiplication.

Why Working Memory is Crucial.

But working memory goes much further than this. You see, working memory is really just your ‘mental bandwidth’. Any information that needs to be stored so you can work with it will be kept in working memory and that means.

The subject of a conversation you are engaging in.
A map of your physical surroundings.
Your priorities at any given time.

If you can maintain and build your working memory then you will become wittier because you’ll have more information available to work with when responding to someone. You will become better at sports and navigation because your cognitive map will be more up-to-date and easily accessible. You will be better at math and you will be more motivated.

So work on your working memory one way or another and prepare to become Limitless!

How to Deal With Toxic People.

If you have chronically low self-esteem, then there’s a good chance that this came from other people.

The nasty thing about insecurity, jealousy and low esteem is that they are contagious. If you aren’t confident in yourself, then it will often cause you to become destructive and mean. You might put other people down in order to feel better about yourself and you might try to prevent others from fulfilling their potential because you don’t want to be left behind – even if this is happening in an unconscious way.

At the same time, low self-esteem can mean you talk other people out of taking chances or following their dreams. This is not out of malice: in this case it simply comes down to the fact that you don’t have much faith in the ability that anyone has to change their fate.

Chances are that you’ll know people like this in your life and that they could be the reason for your low self-esteem and confidence. Most upsettingly, there is a better-than-average chance that this came from your parents.

The number one way to raise a happy and confident child is to love them unconditionally and to believe in them 100% and support them 100%. You need to be confident in yourself to do this.

So, what do you do now if you’re trying to fix your low esteem but you’re surrounded by people who are dragging you down?

1. The Best Advice.

The tip you’ll often read is that you should simply cut off contact with toxic or destructive people.

I’ll say that you should take this advice if anyone is being purposefully cruel or belittling. You don’t have time in your life for malicious people.

But if someone is doing it unintentionally, you shouldn’t just write them off: chances are they simply need help.

What you do in the meantime is to surround yourself with more people who are positive, supportive and who do love you unconditionally. And you always remember to view what the toxic, negative people say through a lens of logic and reason. If they are putting you down, is it because they have a genuine point? Or is it because they themselves have low esteem?

Finally, try to build them up too. That means you should ask them why they feel the way they do and do everything to support them. You can pull each other out of this funk, that is what friends are for after all!

The Essence Of Adopting a Morning Ritual Habit.

If you hate waking up early, then you need to read this article. According to research, creating good habits and sticking to a morning routine plays a huge role in your success. If you’re a night owl, unfortunately, this means you will have to find ways to adapt and change your lifestyle.

Creating a morning routine and turning it into a habit may sound difficult at first. But if you keep at it every day for at least a month, you will start seeing noticeable differences in how you approach your entire day. A morning routine will help you feel more stable and you’ll be so much more in control of your day.

1. It’s peaceful in the morning.

Early mornings don’t have as much distraction as other times of the day. Your family and your neighbors will still be in bed (unless they’ve also adopted this habit), there’ll be less noise on the streets, and your personal space will seem so much bigger.

With less distraction, you’ll be able to think clearly and you’ll have time to exercise, meditate, pray, update your journal, and plan your entire day.

A morning routine will help you feel more in control of your life and you won’t feel as disorganized as before simply because you will have time to think your day through and organize your activities.

Simply put, your morning routine will set the tone for your day.

2. Get work done early.

Mornings are best for getting your most difficult tasks done. Getting these tasks out of the way lets you enjoy relatively stress-free afternoons and you’ll be much happier because you can get more things done in the day.

Your productivity levels will increase and you can even start working in advance on tasks that don’t need to be done until later.

When you get things done earlier and faster in the day, you can reward yourself for a job well done. Just be careful when rewarding yourself though as some rewards may actually be detrimental to your goals.

For instance, if someone asks you to go partying on a weekday, you may want to tell them “no”. You may be tempted but think first if it’s going to somehow cause you to sleep in late and thus wake up late the following day. If this is the case, then simply decline.

No amount of partying can replace what you can accomplish by sticking to, and religiously following, your morning routine habit!

The 5 Best Keyword Research Tools to Use for Finding Your Niche

When it comes to finding a viable and profitable niche market, the secret is finding the right keywords. Without the right keywords, you could be selling yourself short on your potential to be successful. Researching keywords is a lot like fishing, you have to cast your reel at the right time and in the right place. Here are five outstanding keyword research tools that you can use to find a profitable niche.

1. WordStream Keyword Tool.

The WordStream Keyword Tool ( is a free tool that allows you to target specific niches and gives you more suggestions for different keywords. It also allows you to group the keywords based on common themes making it easier to create easy ad group launches.

2. Soovle.

Soovle, ( is the perfect tool if you have multiple channels that you wish to do keyword research on. Soovle allows you to explore the most searched for keywords on various search engines based on the keyword root you provide. An excellent brainstorm tool as well, it will enable you to type in your idea and auto-generates its own ideas.

3. Ubbersuggest.
Ubersuggest, ( is another free tool that takes the keyword you enter and immediately provides you with an unlimited list of alphabetized and numerical keyword variations. The program will provide you with data on volume, seasonality, cost per click, and more.

4. Google Keyword Planner.

To access the Google Keyword Planner, (, you have to have an AdWords account. The Google Keyword Planner will show you several different kinds of stats like monthly searches, the average cost per click, and the level of competition. While it doesn't give you an exact keyword suggestion, it does provide you suggestions for variations and synonyms that you can use for your keywords.

5. AdWords Display Planner.

The Google AdWords' Display Planner isn't just a keyword tool. It provides you with some excellent functionality for making the most of your Display campaigns, including keyword-driven video ad campaigns for YouTube. The Display Planner also provides you with valuable insights into the demographics and interests of your audience. This can allow you to create highly customized Display campaigns. You can access this tool from the Tools section of your AdWords account.

Utilizing these free online keyword research tools will allow you to find a profitable niche. With the right keywords, you can create a successful niche business.

Key Ways Beginners Can Employ To Drive Traffic Their Site.

For new website owners, traffic is hard to get and can turn out to be to be an uphill task. Every website requires traffic, and without it, you are nothing. In order to increase traffic, it is significant to focus on the efficient ways to avoid time wastage. Every beginner should know where their key audience is and focus on these sources. Listed below are some of the ways a beginner can increase traffic to their site.

1. Wise Use of Social Media.

The social media is one of the main effective way of increasing traffic to the site or blog, as it assists you to get potential customers and also assist you in building an audience with the people who visit your site. Although it is not possible to be present on all social media sites, it is important to focus on the important ones where you can easily find your audience.

2. Paid Traffic.

Paid traffic has proofed to be among the swiftest ways to acquire and increase visitors to your site. Paid traffic is also a sure way of testing your conversion rates but can turn out to be expensive. It is therefore wise to test the waters first, start small and build up. The beauty about paid traffic is its being almost unlimited and once you find a way of converting your traffic into sales, you can indefinitely scale it up.

3. Content Marketing.

Content marketing involves the use of content to draw visitors to your site. Use of blog posts, video, infographics, and any other types of content by beginners is fundamental. It is crucial to creating the best possible content, preferably a better one than what is already there in your niche, to prevent people from fleeing from your site or ignoring it altogether.

4. SEO.

SEO is an incredible way of increasing traffic to a site, but due to its unpredictable nature a lot of should be put in place to acquire traffic from alternative sources. SEO usually falls into three categories; whitehat, blackhat, and great. Sources have it that white hat generally, is entirely for link building while blackhat involves using whichever means to help to rank in the search engines. Greyhat, on the other hand, lies somewhere between the two.

5. Forum Marketing.

Regarding how you get traffic increase to your site, forum marketing is the next big thing. Forum marketing works by engaging in appropriate forums with your targeted audience. This is simply achieved by being a useful member, answering questions and posting great topics.
Nobody needs to worry about increasing traffic to their website. By simply optimizing your site content and mastering the content outreach, you can rest assured of increased traffic to the site, and ensuring your audience do not flee from it.

Myths About Leadership That Need to Stop!

Don’t worry if you don’t think you are a ‘great leader’ naturally. It’s perfectly fine to feel that there are others out there better suited to leadership roles and in fact few of us see ourselves as being natural born leaders until we are thrust into the role.

The good news is that most leaders are made rather than born and that means you can develop the necessary skills ‘on the job’ as it were. Part of this will mean doing your research, which you’re doing right now… well done!

Unfortunately though, what doesn’t help matters is that there is a lot of misinformation out there making things harder for us. There are a lot of prevailing myths about leadership that doing nothing other than steer us onto the wrong course. Here are a few of the worst.

1. Being a Leader Involves Shouting.

One thing that people think is that being a leader means ‘being in charge’ and that this in turn means stamping down their authority and shouting at people to reprimand them when necessary.

But while this might have been true in the 50s, it’s a wildly outdated approach today. For starters, shouting simply makes you appear out of control and emotional – rather than calm and collected.

Moreover, shouting suggests that you are in charge of someone else; you aren’t. All you are is in a position where you get to choose the next course of action. This is due to an agreement between you and the person you are instructing and they can choose to terminate that agreement at any time, as can you. Treat people with respect, even when they’re not listening to reason.

2. Leaders Should be ‘One of the Guys’.

Conversely though, it is not pertinent to try and be ‘mates’ with your team. While that might sound appealing, the reality is that it will lead to more problems. It makes it harder when you have to make tough decisions, it can lead to accusations that your personal feelings are getting in the way and it can sometimes cross a line into disrespect. Be friendly but try to separate business and pleasure at least in the office.

3. Being a Leader Means Being Bold and Brave.

Being a leader does not mean you have to be bold and brave. It doesn’t mean you need to have wide shoulders and a massive chest, or infinite confidence.

All leaders are human (except Optimus Prime) and that means they have weaknesses, character flaws and self-doubt just like everyone else. Being a leader is not about who you are but is about what you do!

Types Of Distractions You Can Control.

In virtually any line of work, you have distractions that you must overcome. An entrepreneur will especially have distractions that he/she will have to overcome. Some of these distractions are ones you can definitely control.

In this day and age of social media, virtually everyone is on Facebook and even other social media networks (Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) constantly. These sites will continuously have new content being posted from all of the users on these networks, and these networks are configured to alert you instantly whenever there is new content available on the network.

It’s human nature to want to know what is going on with family, friends, and/or fans/followers on social media networks. Therefore, whenever you get a notification that you have new content posted or a new friend request, you want to check what it is or who it is.

Unfortunately, this will take your focus away from your work. Thus, you have the ability to not log onto your social media accounts while you are working on tasks and projects. Leave your social media accounts to your breaks during work and/or when you are not working; let your family, friends, fans, and followers know this policy so that they understand why you don’t respond to their content as they post it.

A similar approach can be employed with your email accounts as well, such as Gmail and/or Hotmail. Both of these email accounts give you notifications of when new mail arrives or when a person wants to chat with you. You can stay logged out of those accounts when you are working, or you can choose to be logged in and mute or deactivate the notification features of when you receive new mail or a new chat request. It would be wise to keep the window behind your work or minimized on your taskbar (if you are working on a computer) to ensure your focus remains on your work, not on your email account.

Turning the notifications and ringer off of your mobile phone is another distraction you can control. This way, you stay focused on your work and not lose concentration on what you are trying to accomplish.

Therefore, the distractions listed above are ones you can definitely control to keep them from slowing you down when you are completing tasks and projects. It is up to you to take the initiative and stop these distractions from happening so you can produce the best-quality work you can as efficiently as possible.

Losing Weight Rapidly.

Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just a snap or skipping one night's dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.

Fast-track diets are one of these rapid weight loss practices which may not be very inviting as they seem according to research. Fast-track diet programs, as scientific research shows, are only good while they last. Rapid weight loss often results ironically, to rapid weight gain. people who undergo low carbohydrate or low calorie diets normally revert back to old eating habits simply because human beings can not actually live on with this type of diet scheme for the rest of their lives.

Now there is also scientific research showing that rapid weight loss does not imply an individual is losing unwanted excess fat; it is commonly water that is lost with following rapid weight loss practices. This could cause certain alarm but actually, water lost is regained very quickly. So there is actually zero net weight lost after all. So one should not be foolish enough to be so gullible with the advertising of certain diet pills out there in the market; especially those which claim to aid lose a whopping amount of fat in a short time. They will only dehydrate the body. And just so it is clear, the body can only lose two pounds of fat per week, one could be exceptionally lucky if he can lose three, but normally, it's just two.

Another rapid weight loss product out in the market is the slimming soap. Claiming that these soaps are made from a unique concoction of rare chinese herbs and seaweed, they assert to help people using them to shed off body fats by emulsifying them upon application while taking a bath. Some are even specialized like those which promise to give the user "beautiful thighs". The ingredients may prove to improve the quality of the skin but no research has ever come up yet which aids to prove the efficacy of these ingredients in emulsifying excess body fats.

One more rapid weight loss product out there in the market promises to suppress hunger and at the same time help increase the body's metabolic rate. It also claims to be able to accelerate the healing process and reduce certain body pains, all these plus its being a very chic fashion accent. Well they are actually called magnetic weight loss earrings.

The secret of this set of earrings is in the magnet, so it says. Wearing them near the ears balances the magnetism in the body therefore one will experience all the above mentioned effects. Though press releases say that there are actually "studies" to back these assertions up, nothing yet is found in medical journals. Though buying a set may not kill a person, it's probably not a wise investment. One might as well wear a horse shoe earring for a more exquisite fashion statement.

Bottom line is "no pain, no gain". If one wants a beautiful body, one must sweat it out. And as for those rapid weight loss products coming out on the market, if they are too good to be true, they probably are not.

Amazing ‘Mental States’ and How They Can Enhance Performance.

You might think of your brain as being fairly consistent. You generally have a consistent level of intelligence, your mood is usually pretty steady and on the whole you don’t tend to change all that much. Or so it seems.

In reality though, your brain is constantly changing. Not only is it growing and adapting, but it will also change in terms of what it’s capable of and how you feel. The chemical balance is likely to change a huge amount.

In other words, our brain goes through a number of states and depending on which brain state you are experiencing at any given time, you can expect very different results.

Let’s take a look at just a few mental states and how they have incredible impacts on the way you feel and perform.

1. Flow State.

A flow state is a much-coveted state that is often described as being the state of ultimate ‘peek’ human performance.

It’s a little more complex than that. But essentially, this is a state in which you are completely focussed on a given task, normally because you perceive it as highly important. This actually suppresses activity in the frontal region of the brain, allowing you to act on near pure-instinct and thereby giving you intense mental clarity and reactions.

2. Fight or Flight.

Fight or flight is a stress state. In this state, the body is releasing adrenaline, dopamine and other chemicals that ramp up the nervous system and increase strength while also suppressing immune function and digestion. Stress like this isn’t a bad thing in the short term. Acute stress allows us to react to situations quickly when we need to.

The problem comes when this state carries on and becomes chronic.

3. Rest and Digest.

The opposite of fight or flight, this is when the body is able to relax and calm down. This is when we digest our food, when we sleep and when we build tissue. We’re also more creative in this state!

4. Hysterical Strength.

Hysterical strength is a little like ‘beserker mode’. Under extreme duress, we produce so much adrenaline that we’re able to call on incredible reserves of strength. This demonstrates just how much of an impact our mind can have on our body – just what is possible when you’re in the right mindset.

And there are many more. If you want to perform your best, best get into the right mindset!

Leadership - Why You Shouldn’t Put Pressure on Your Team.

Want to get the very most out of your team? Then you might be tempted to try and put lots of pressure on them. Perhaps that means giving them unreasonable deadlines. Maybe it means telling them that they need to complete X amount of work in order to get some kind of reward. Whether you choose carrot or stick, the assumption might be that they need some kind of external motivator.

The only problem? This is actually wrong… When you take this approach, you’ll actually be limiting what your team can accomplish, stifling their creativity and ultimately shooting your own business in the foot. Oops!

Here’s why.

1. How We Work Best.

If your objective is sheer numbers and quantity, then this approach can work. However, most of us would agree that what we actually value more is creativity and intuition. This is what makes the difference between a good business that manages to survive and a great business that manages to change the world.

And the problem is that tight deadlines ruin creativity. One reason for this is that tight deadlines cause us to have a stress response. This triggers the release of excitatory neurotransmitters and hormones that include the likes of adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine. While these get us psyched up and help us focus, that same focus makes us harder to be creative.

Because creativity occurs when our mind is free to wander (and wonder). That way, we can explore disparate ideas in our brains and it is this process that helps us to find new connections and therefore to recombine them in unique ways. It is generally agreed that that is what a good idea is – the recombination of two old ideas.

This is why we are thought to be at our most creative when we’re engaging in mundane tasks like washing up, showering or walking.

2. Procrastination Isn’t All Bad.

Taking our time also simply gives us enough time to think about alternative ways to do things. This has led to many studies demonstrating a simple correlation between procrastination and creative problem solving. People who procrastinate tend to also be more effective at coming up with unique ideas!

So if you want to be more creative and have a more creative team, cut them some slack! You could even take a leaf out of Google’s book and provide your team with downtime to allow them to come up with their own projects and ideas.

Two Transformative Tips to Change Your Mindset to Help You Accomplish Any Goal.

People have a range of different dreams and goals. This is one of the best things about people in fact. We’re all different and we all have different aspirations – different goals to share with one another and different things to talk about.

The unhappiest people? They’re the ones with no goals. No direction. No motivation. A goal gives you a vision, it gives you drive and it makes every day seem like a positive step to an end destination that is truly important to you.

But while goals are intrinsically rewarding, problems do arise when we don’t know how to pursue them. Having a goal that seems completely out of grasp and making no progress whatsoever is disheartening.

In this video, we’ll look at some of the things you can do to help yourself reach your goals faster. Whether you want to write an amazing book, set up a business or do anything else; these are two tips that will apply in every situation and that you might not have heard before.

Tip 1: You Have to Believe.

This might sound like cheesy bumper-plate-sticker-advice, but it is very true. At the end of the day, you need to have absolute faith that the plan you have to get your book published or to become famous is actually going to work. Why? Because otherwise you risk putting in all the time and effort for nothing!

Think about it: have you ever struggled to stay motivated to get into work? No! The reason for that is because you know that going to work means getting paid. This is 100% guaranteed.

But you may have struggled to stick to a training program and part of the reason for that is that you know it might not yield results. So whatever plan you come up with, make sure you believe it!

Tip 2: You Have to Take it Slowly.

The other problem is wanting results right now and ending up burning yourself out too quickly. Want to write the next best-selling novel? The way to do that is not in one or two sittings! You need to take your time, to work steadily and to be considered in the way you approach this goal. The best option is to plan to write one or two chapters every day. Look up the word ‘Kaizen’ for more on why this works so well!